True Dumbbell Rowing – Gironda Style!

true dumbbell rowing gironda style

If you have a well-developed back, then you already know the importance of barbell rowing. It’s essential for developing thickness in the upper back, and for lats that can best be described as ‘flaring’. Barbell rows are popular, but there are times when they are rendered ineffective because the bodybuilder uses too much weight, or allows their body “English”, or swing, to move the weight. Emphasis is taken off of the upper back muscles, and growth doesn’t occur as it should. Years ago a bodybuilding and health & fitness legend named Vince Gironda devised a new exercise which is still used today by bodybuilders seeking a well-developed back. This exercise is known as Gironda Rows, and allows the bodybuilder to lie completely parallel with the ground and truly stimulate the muscles of the upper back without allowing for cheating.

To begin Gironda Rows, you will need a flat bench. Using one that is attached to a bench press apparatus is not advisable. Rather, you will want to use a flat banch with no attachments. This may make Gironda Rows impossible for trainers who use a small combined bench. If that is the case, visit Craigslist and purchase a used flat bench for $30 from someone in your area.

Now that you have the flat bench, you’ll need some dumbbells. It’s important to start light when doing Gironda Rows. The most important aspect of this lift isn’t the numbers you move on the bench. Rather, what matters is the tension, or feel, that you are able to achieve in your back when using this movement.

Lay flat on your stomach on the bench with your arms hanging over either side. Pick up the dumbbells from the floor and raise them up to the bottom of the bench, equal with your abdominals. This is very similar to the way you would move the barbell during standard barbell rows. The difference is that your body is actually completely parallel with the ground. When standing for regular barbell rows, you much bend over, which moves some of the workload to your legs and hips. When lying flat on your bench in this manner for Gironda Rows, you are able to place the brunt of the work upon the muscles of the upper back, commonly referred to as ‘lats’ by bodybuilders.

Gironda Rows should be completed in a slow and deliberate manner. Rep range is most effective when it is in the 10 to 14 rep range. This exercise is great for stimulating slow-twitch muscle fibers. And since it’s a somewhat awkward movement, the use of heavy weight could lead to injuries. It’s better to play it safe and stay with a medium range. As with most upper back movements, the “feel” you achieve leads to more growth than the numbers you move. You are a bodybuilder, and not a powerlifter. If you’re concerned about developing upper back thickness, and can leave your ego on the shelf, then Gironda Rows might just be right for you. Give them a try!