A Detailed Look At The Symptoms Of Overtraining

symptoms of overtraining

Whenever you over train or even when you are on the verge of overtraining, there are some indicative signs that should prompt you to initiate corrective actions immediately. Whenever any of the following symptoms is seen, sit back and evaluate your training. You just don’t want to over train.

Instead of building new muscle, training taken to the extreme, can cause losses in both muscle size and strength due to catabolic metabolism. And beside the serious cases of catabolism that occur after overtraining, you should be cautious of taking your body to an area prone to injuries and muscle damages. And overtraining is a bodybuilder’s number one enemy when it comes to muscle injuries. Further still, overtraining causes a serious imbalance between your body’s ability to grow into new intensity levels and the amount of overload you apply during training. In most cases, overtraining increases your risk and probability of health complications and illness.

The following is an exemplified list of symptoms that are indicative of overtraining in a bodybuilder. Fist, there is a decrease in both the muscle size and strength due to frequent catabolism. Catabolism eats into the muscles already built in a bid to provide energy to the muscles. Secondly, the bodybuilder experiences recovery delays that are longer than is average or usual. When recovery time needed after each workout session begins to irregular and elongated, the bodybuilder is most probably overtraining.

Thirdly, a bodybuilder who is constantly overtraining has an elevated pulse rate when he wakes up in the morning. If the heart is beating faster than is normal or average, then the previous training session must have exerted the body to overtraining. This actually prompts the fourth symptom since when the heart beats faster, the blood pressure is also increased. As such, an elevated blood pressure in the morning indicates a possible overtraining occurrence in previous workouts.

The most frequent and noticeable symptoms of overtraining are those marked by pain. An increased level of both joint and muscle pain is indicative of overtraining. If especially the aches take long to subside, the bodybuilder should take caution because muscle tears and damage might have occurred already. Further, overtraining is marked by frequent and persistent headaches. This is a symptom of reduced immune level and general body weakness. In fact, the headaches might also be accompanied by that feeling of general body weakness. Despite feeling weak, the bodybuilder suffering the after effects of overtraining is listless, and these listlessness marks the body’s imbalances.

After a training session in which the bodybuilder over trained, he or she feels generally tired even if he or she has done nothing to cause such general tiredness. Besides feeling tired all the time, there is also a loss of appetite all the day long, or at least a decrease of the normal appetite. The funny thing about this state is that the bodybuilder may actually feel hungry and yet be unwilling to eat.

Other indicative overtraining symptoms are hand tremors, insomnia, frequent muscle injuries even when the training was minimally exerting or done with correct form, frequent illnesses and other maladies.

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