Cardio Training Tips For Surefire Weight Loss

cardio weight loss

This is a real story from my own personal experience with weight. At the age of 16 I was diagnosed with about 5 different diseases all of them at the same time. By the time I had caught my doctor’s eye, I had already lost more than 10 kilos within a span of one month. The only way you can lose that amount of weight in a month and still remain healthy is while you’re laying on your back…dreaming.

None of my clothes could fit so I had to wear my sister’s clothes at least until I could get my own. I stayed in hospital for what seamed to be forever and was finally discharged after a few weeks. The doctors then placed me on a high protein diet which my mom ensured that it became part and parcel of my nutritional lifestyle. The mistake the doctors made was that they didn’t specify exactly how long o was to be on that high protein diet. My mom like every other mother took it as an opportunity to literally make a stuffed animal out of me.

The amount of protein I ate in a day was enough to feed three more people. At first it was a struggle getting me to eat because everything that entered my mouth tasted like my meds. Gradually my system adapted to this whole new abundance of food. It became so normal for me to take meet everyday with at least 3 glasses of milk. It had moved from being the doctor’s prescribed high protein diet to my new lifestyle. By the time I was joining campus I was nearly twice the size I was before I had fallen ill.

I didn’t want to go through campus looking like a fat blob, cause that’s exactly what I had become. The next two years were the most miserable years of my life. There isn’t a single fat loss diet that I didn’t try out. I took all the slimming tea and pills that you can imagine but still nothing happened.

I flushed all of them down the garbage disposal and concluded that probably I wasn’t meant to gat back to me previous size. In my third year, I remember the school relocated all my classes. I had to walk for nearly a mile to the new building that had no elevators, and use the stairs to the fourth floor. For someone who was not just big but also unfit, this was a bit too much to ask for. Of cause I had to go to class even if it meant dying while trying.

At first I almost passed out when I reached the top, but after some time it reduced to just panting like an old dog! By the end of the semester I had lost almost 10 kilos not pounds, just by walking to class. This taught me the important of cardiovascular exercises and by the time I graduated, I was back to my previous size 10! I simply walked it out.

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