Rules Of Extreme Muscle Building

extreme bodybuilding

If you do not want  an average physique, and you are looking for some massive muscle growth, then follow the rules in the following article. I have broken down some rules  of body building that will get you one step closer to the muscular body that you are looking for right now.

1:Get Stronger.
There is a direct link to strength and muscle mass. By lifting heavier weights with each workout you will break down the dense muscle fibers that lifting light weights will not do. The dense muscle fiber that you break down with heavy weights will stay with you through hard dieting.

2: Go Back To Basics.
If you are not doing this already then you need to get back to the good old basic compound exercises. The following exercises are the best for stimulating the most muscle growth in each muscle group.

Legs – Squats & Stiff Leg Deadlifts.

Chest – Flat Bench Press

Biceps – Standing Barbell Curl

Triceps – Close Grip Bench Press & Lying Extensions

Back – Deadlifts & Bent Barbell Rows

Shoulders – Standing Barbell Press

3: Sleep.
Sleep may be one of the most overlooked principles in muscle building. It is when you are sleeping that your body releases the most growth hormones. These hormones aid in the recovery of damaged muscle cells. You will have more energy for the next days workout too. Try your best to get 6 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep during  the night.

4: Use Intensity Techniques.
Using methods of training that will boost the intensity level of a workout is a great way to shock the muscles into responding. Using techniques like supersets, partial reps, rest pause, and drop sets are sure to have your muscles totally exhausted by the end of your workout. These are ideal for more advanced workouts.

5: Do Not Miss Workouts
You have got to follow the law of progressive overload if you want to gain any strength or muscle. This means that consistency is very important. Missing workouts means that you are going to make no progress that day. Get stronger and more muscular by consistently training your muscles on a set schedule.

Following these 5 rules of muscle building will have you getting big returns from your workout program.

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