Proper Repetition Range For Squat Pyramiding

proper repetition range for squat pyramiding

In the efforts to gain muscle mass – particular on the thighs – many bodybuilders will do a lot of crazy things. They will attempt insane super-sets, drop sets, failure sets, and everything in between. When all of these things stop leading to results, they will circle their wagons, return to the basics, and visit their powerlifting friends for tips on simply lifting using heavy squats. This is a glorious day for the lifter who likes to go heavy, and a very painful experience for those who don’t enjoy that kind of pain.

Squat pyramiding isn’t that difficult to plan. Study this repetition range, then punch in the weights you estimate you will be able to do for each of these lifts. Your first workout or two will be a bit of a hit-or-miss study, as you learn what weights are best for you. Once you know them, begin using them, then begin adding 1 to 2 pounds to the bar each week. Over time, these small incremental bumps become substantial changes in lifting ability, which lead to growth. With no further ado, let’s check out a sample squat pyramiding repetition plan.

  • Set 1: Warm-up set – 15 repetitions
  • Set 2: Warm-up set – 12 repetitions
  • Set 3: Acclimation set – 10 repetitions
  • Set 4: Acclimation set – 6 repetitions
  • Set 5: Work set – 4 repetitions
  • Set 6: Work set – 3 repetitions
  • Set 7: Work set – 2 repetitions

The weight will be whatever weight you are able to move for the prescribed number of repetitions. When pyramiding up, you should be very cautious of injuries. Many bodybuilders will skip the early sets in an effort to arrive at their heavier, 2 repetition sets with more energy and strength. While it’s true that you do expend a bit of energy on those early sets, it’s also true that they are essential if you wish to remain injury-free as you work your way up to pushing the knees and muscles of the leg to places they’ve never been before. The use of knee wraps is highly recommended for this movement, particularly as you approach the heaviest work sets. Avoid going below parallel on any of these work sets in order to keep as much tension off of your knees as possible.

Before assigning a diet to match your goals, you will want to determine the goals of all of your training efforts during the time you are using squat pyramiding. If you’re a powerlifter, than your diet should be at even caloric levels. This means you’ll eat enough calories to remain the size you are. You’re not trying to lose or to gain weight. You simply want to maintain your size while getting stronger. If you’re a bodybuilder, then your goal will be to add lean muscle mass. You do this by adding more calories to your diet in the form of protein and clean carbohydrate sources. This addition of calories, coupled with low-repetition, maximum intensity leg training, will lead to growth of new muscle tissue – and muscular size as a result.