Bodybuilders are different in the likes, all to do with bodybuilding. There are preferences of individuals and the bodybuilding field gives different options from which one can choose from in […]
Effective Abdominal Muscle Training Tips

Bodybuilders are different in the likes, all to do with bodybuilding. There are preferences of individuals and the bodybuilding field gives different options from which one can choose from in […]
Q: What do bodybuilders, non-bodybuilders, astronauts, garbagemen, supermodels, carbaholics, and every other group in the world have in common? A: They all want a well chiseled midsection – a six […]
Q: Ab boards… I see some guys using them and some guys not using them, and the ones who use them seem to have better abs. Are ab boards the […]
Bodybuilding is the art of the illusion. The biggest man doesn’t always win. Rather, the man who looks the biggest, while displaying superior conditioning and presentation, usually wins. Very often, […]
Q: I’m trying to get bigger arms while also trying to lose fat. Am I fighting a losing battle? By the way, I’m 215 lbs. and stand 5’9″ at 18% […]
Q: I’m trying to build up my rectus abdominus, serratus and intercostals and get them beefier without adding bulk to my waist. Can I do abs daily? A: Normally, for […]
“I can’t do pull-ups, I’m just too big!” You’ve probably heard this excuse from one of your gym buddies in the past, as they try to explain why they’re limiting […]
Q: I’m confused about ab training. I’ve heard some guys say they never train them and that dieting and cardio will bring them out. Others seem to tag them on […]
Possessing a slim and tight six-pack for your midsection is key for looking good on the bodybuilding stage, or just at the beach. However, many bodybuilders will train the muscle […]
Are you looking for an abdominal routine which will allow you to separate your upper and lower abdominals so that you may focus upon each of these groups more effectively? […]